More Fast Day 8 Devotional

January 22, 2024 


Pastor Margaret Green 

Jer.17:9,10. NKJV 

“the heart is DECEITFUL above all things and DESPERATELY WICKED who can know it; who can know it? 10) I, the Lord search the heart, I test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.

Ever wonder why every day you hear of some tragedy on the news, massive shootings and things of that nature?

Every time you listen to the news you hear of so much horrific stuff! It’s all because of sin of some sort. Why? because the heart of man has waxed cold. We don’t love like God wants us to love. We are supposed to love others as we love ourselves but we are far from that. People’s hearts have waxed cold. The heart of the matter is sin and we need Jesus. When I say we, I mean the world. If the heart is cold then the person will be that way also. Cold hearts breed hatred, greed,selfishness, lust, bitterness, prejudices, lies, and deceitfulness, just to name a few.

Let’s check out our hearts, because “as a man thinks in his heart so is he.” A bad heart, a bad person. Prov.16:9 says “a man’s heart devises his way”. So if ones heart is wicked, so is he. If his heart is pure, he is too. 

Let’s Check our hearts to see what’s in there.If you want peace, look in your heart and ask God to give you a peaceful one. Prov.14:30 says, “a heart at peace gives life to the body.”

We can’t change our hearts until we change our way of thinking. Our minds are the devil’s battle ground so we must learn how to contradict our bad thoughts with what the Word says and ask God as David did in Ps. 51:10 to, “create in me a clean heart Oh God, and renew a right spirit within me.”

The right spirit begins with LOVE. The love for God and the love for others as we love ourselves; because the heart of the matter is LOVE not SIN. 

My question to you is…..WHAT’S IN YOUR HEART?

God loved us so much that He gave us His best to pay our sin debt. He gave us Jesus m, His only begotten Son as it tells us in John 3:16. He did it while we were still sinners!  So, I ask again what’s in your heart? Is it love or something else?

We need to love more and not just those that love us in return. Let’s ask God to change our deceitful hearts and for SO MUCH MORE OF HIM.  Amen